my name is linnea joy.
my home is most certainly where my heart is, and that is the pacific northwest. surrounded by saltwater and the emerald green pine trees. i enjoy the little things in life. family dinners, long walks, sunshine, green tea with honey, and making art with my girls is what fills my cup.
i started my journey into massage at the alexander school of natural therapeutics in 2017. i have never felt more peaceful about knowing my "calling" if you will. joy is always doubled in life when you have the opportunity to learn about things you love.
over the years i have worked in a physical therapy clinic and a chiropractic clinic, learning all sorts of new skills and thoughtful ways of listening and caring for the body.
countless hours of CE classes have brought me into my own confident way i work with my hands, trust the body in my care, and assess the subtle energy we all carry on our good and our bad days.
i feel blessed to be able to practice massage and my heart would be honored to share this with you and your loved ones.
photo by: dee jones, open door photography